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Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: EVERGREEN
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%
Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Spinning Rods
KALEIDO SERPENTI TKSS-61MLST Sight EagleEvergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-61MLST Sight Eagle
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%
TKSS-64L The BeastingerEvergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-64L Beastinger
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%
KALEIDO SERPENTI TKSS-61MLST Sight EagleEvergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-61MLST Sight Eagle
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%
TKSS-64L The BeastingerEvergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-64L Beastinger
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti Spinning Rods

Modell Länge Teile Gewicht Wurfgewicht Schnur
TKSS-61MLST Sight Eagle 6’1", 185cm 1 92 g 0.4 - 5g 2 - 6lb
TKSS-64L Beastinger 6’4", 193cm 1 89 g 0.4 - 7g 3 - 8lb
TKSS-63LST Mighty Finesse 6’3", 191cm 1 92 g 0.4 - 3.5g 2 - 6lb
TKSS-63MLST Sight Hawk 6’3", 191cm 1 92 g 0.4 - 5g 2 - 6lb
TKSS-64MST Spin Serpent 6’4", 193cm 1 111 g 1.8 - 5g 4 - 10lb
TKSS-66MHST Bush Serpent 6’6", 198cm 1 111 g 1.8 - 21g 4 - 12lb
  • .
  • TKSS-61MLST Sight Eagle

Delicate solid tip part is original design with comparatively short length. Together with solid tip joining by synchromesh manufacturing method (PAT) that does not feel seams, it enables sharp low trajectory cast with small motion using only tip tip, at the same time suppresses tip vibration and dramatically improves casting accuracy It is setting to make it. Separate grip focusing on operability and light weight. Adopting a lightweight and compact Fuji IPS reel seat so that you can hold it firmly in the belly of the hand in a two-finger grip that focuses on casting.

  • TKSS-61MLST Beastinger
  • Its appeal lies in its wide range of applications, covering all types of finesse fishing, such as jighead rigs and down-shot rigs. In particular, it shows an excellent ability to work around rocks, bushes and other cover with lots of roots
  • TKSS-63MLST Sight Hawk

Shallow's big bussines is suppressed with Cast Accuracy sharpened to the limit. Dramatic high advantage over ultimate level of site fishing.

  • TKSS-64MST Spin Serpent

Super tuff solid tip installed in the base construction of bait rod. Power Finesse Versatile beyond the bay finesse area.

  • TKSS-66MHST Bush Serpent

Overwhelming lifting power, contrary to dramatic lightness. Cover fishing will change dramatically with the castability which it possesses. Power Finesse Versatile beyond the bay finesse area.

  • 15-06-2021
    eine Spinningrute die sehr viel kann, extrem leicht und sensibel. Kann vielfältig gefischt werden
    Büron - Switzerland
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