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Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist
Daiwa 22 Exist

Daiwa Exist

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: DAIWA
789,00 CHF
NEW Daiwa 22 Exist - The future is in your hands
Daiwa 22 Exist
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist - LT2000S-P 2
789,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist - LT2000S-H 1
789,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist - LT2500S-H 1
799,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist - LT2500S-XH 2
799,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 ExistDaiwa 22 Exist - PC LT 2500 2
799,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 Exist - LT 3000SDaiwa 22 Exist - LT 3000S 1
815,90 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 Exist - PC LT 3000-XHDaiwa 22 Exist - PC LT 3000-XH 1
815,90 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 Exist - LT 4000-XHDaiwa 22 Exist - LT 4000-XH 2
829,90 CHF
0,00 CHF
Daiwa 22 Exist - LT 5000-CDaiwa 22 Exist - LT 5000-CXH 0
859,90 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

NEW Daiwa 22 Exist - The future is in your hands

  • Der AIRDRIVE DESIGN ist das Ergebnis dieser neuen Denkweise, an der viele Jahre gearbeitet wurde. DAIWA hat ein innovatives Meisterwerk entwickelt, das es dem Angler ermöglicht, die volle Kontrolle zu haben. Das reduzierte Gewicht, die sanfte Rotation und die hohe Rückmeldung erlauben es der Rolle, sich frei zu drehen. All diese Elemente sind in der AIRDRIVE DESIGN vereint.
  • Der neue AIRDRIVE ROTOR und die neu entwickelte AIRDRIVE BAIL sorgen für eine Gewichtsreduzierung am oberen Ende der Rolle. Das reduzierte Gewicht sorgt für eine mühelose und gleichmäßige Rotation mit schnellem Anlaufen und geringer Trägheit. Unnötiges Gewicht und Dicke wurden eingespart, um die neue AIRDRIVE SPOOL zu entwickeln, die perfekt zum AIRDRIVE ROTOR und AIRDRIVE BAIL passt und die neu gestaltete vordere Einheit vervollständigt.

    Im Gegensatz zu der traditionellen internen Rollenstruktur hat DAIWA eine Struktur mit geringem Kontakt zwischen der Hauptwelle und dem Ritzel entwickelt, die AIRDRIVE SHAFT genannt wird. Durch diese Methode wird die Reibung reduziert und die Laufruhe verbessert. Durch die Kombination dieser neuen Technologien ist die Rolle extrem leicht und ermöglicht es dem Angler, die trägheitsarme, fließende Rotation mit einer besseren Kontrolle der Schnur und der Rutenaktion zu erleben. 

  • LINEUP :
ModelRev (cm)Gear RatioDrag (kg)Weight (g)Capacity PE (m) Bearing
LT2000S-P   64    4.9:1   5   155   0.4 ~ 200     12/1
LT2000S-H   76    5.8:1   5   155   0.4 ~ 200     12/1
LT2500S   72    5.1:1   5   160   0.6 ~ 200     12/1
LT2500S-H   82    5.8:1   5   160   0.6 ~ 200     12/1
LT2500S-XH   87    6.2:1   5   160   0.6 ~ 200     12/1
PC LT 2500   73    5.2:1  10   175   0.8 ~ 200     12/1
LT3000S   77    5.2:1  10   180   0.8 ~ 200     12/1
PC LT3000-XH   93    6.2:1  10   190   1.0 ~ 200     12/1
LT4000   82    5.2:1  10   205   1.5 ~ 200     12/1
LT4000-XH   99    6.2:1  10   205   1.5 ~ 200     12/1
LT5000-C   87    5.2:1  10   220   2.0 ~ 300     12/1
LT5000-CXH  105    6.2:1  10   220   2.0 ~ 300     12/1
  • .
  • PC = power custom
  • P   = slow gear ratio
  • XH = fast gear ratio
  • C   = compact body
  • S   = shallow spool 


  •  - MQ Body (Mg)
  •  - Tough Digigear
  •  - MAGSEALED. Body, Line roller, Drive Gear
  •  - ATD Type-L
  •  - 12BB (2MS, 10CRBB)
  •  - Made in Japan


Airdrive Rotor

Low inertia is the key.

The newly developed AIRDRIVE ROTOR is made from ZAION. Maintaining the strength of the rotor from 18 EXIST, DAIWA has been able to reduce the weight significantly. Designed with focus to create a perfectly round structure, trouble free and flawless rotation have been achieved. The rotor unit itself has seen a 16% weight reduction compared to the previous model (Based on 2500 size reel) and will set the standard for what future rotor design of small spinning reels will be.


Airdrive Bail

Trouble free future.

DAIWA has constructed a bail smaller in diameter whilst providing required strength to achieve a further weight reduction to the front unit. In comparison to 18 EXIST, AIRDRIVE BAIL reduces the weight of the bail by 33% (compared to 2500 size). DAIWA has adjusted the angle of bail setting to improve the line movement into the roller. Careful attention was given to the roller and slider and individual design alterations were done for each size of 22 EXIST, perfectly adjusting the line management for each size of the reel.


Airdrive Spool

Design reflects the future.

The stand out features of the AIRDRIVE SPOOL would have to be the newly shaped spool skirt and the simple single silver coloured cosmetic. Just by looking at the spool it is clear the structure has been redeveloped, reducing the weight and maximising the feeling of presence. Reducing the spool weight creates many benefits for a reel; the total weight of reel is reduced, oscillation is improved, less resistance during winding and rotation, better balance when attached to the rod and of course the reel feels light and easy to fish.


Airdrive Shaft

Friction free rotation.

AIRDRIVE SHAFT has a non contact structure between the mainshaft and the pinion gear. In addition to this, both ends of pinion gear are now supported with bearings to relay the crank power from the handle to the rotor with a higher level of efficiency. By adding high quality collars to the mainshaft, rotational noise has been reduced significantly. AIRDRIVE SHAFT creates the feel of smooth, quiet rotation and provides anglers with torque and power.

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