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SRAM UTR-68-TOR The AnswerSRAM UTR-68-TOR The Answer
SRAM UTR-68-TOR The Answer

SRAM UTR-68-TOR The Answer

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Disponibilità: In magazzino

Produttore: TICT
499,95 CHF
Tict The Answer

SRAM UTR-68-TOR The Answer 

Die neueste Rute von Hause Tict, The Answer,  

UTR-68-TOR is a Rod with the ultra-fine 0.65mm carbon solid tip, very delicately that can interact with the finesse jig head of the under 1g. 

Model Länge (cm) Teile Action Gewicht (g) Wurfgewicht (g)
SRAM UTR-68-TOR 203 2 Fast 55 0.2 ~ 3


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