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TKSS-64L The BeastingerTKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger
TKSS-64L The Beastinger

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-64L Beastinger

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Disponibilità: Non ci sono più prodotti in magazzino!

Produttore: EVERGREEN
819,95 CHF
655,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%
Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-64L Beastinger Spinning Rods

Evergreen Kaleido Serpenti TKSS-64L Beastinger

Tournament Assault Series 

Length:   6’4", 193cm, 1 piece 
Lure:       1/32 〜 1/4oz,    0.9 〜 7g
Line:        3 〜 8lb 
Weight:   89g
Power:    Light 

The Beastinger adopted the only full tubular blank in the Cell Penty series . "Fighting" finesse fishing gear that can clearly manipulate the writris faithfully to the intention of top angler.

Evergreen invites you to try any one rod of the Kaleido Serpenti  line, choice to that suits  you can no longer give it up, guaranteed !


Tight Lines

  • 15-06-2021
    eine Spinningrute die sehr viel kann, extrem leicht und sensibel. Kann vielfältig gefischt werden
    Büron - Switzerland
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