

Heute Ruhetag
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Weenie ShadDolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Weenie Shad
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Weenie Shad
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Weenie Shad

Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Winny Shad

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Produttore: OSP
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2, TW-140 Green Weenie Shad
OSP Dolive Stick Spec2
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
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0 Notify me
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10,85 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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13,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
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10,35 CHF
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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13,55 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
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12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Winny Shad
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW140, 3 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-140 Green Winny Shad
12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW142 Baby Ayu
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW142, 3 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW142, 3.5 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW142, 4.5 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW147 Morning Done
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-147, 3 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-147, 3.5 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-147, 6 inch
13,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW150 Pink Lady
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-150 - 3''
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW-150 - 3.5''
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW176 Green Thander
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW176, 3 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW176, 3.5 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW176, 4.5 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW176, 6 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW178 Lively Wakasagi Silver Flake
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW178, 3 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW178, 3.5 inch
12,95 CHF
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW178, 4.5 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
OSP Dolive Stick Spec2, TW194 Sexy Shad Ver.2
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Stick Spec2 TW194, 4.5 inch
12,95 CHF
0 Notify me
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF
  • O.S.P Dolive Stick SPEC2


Color:       TW-140 Green Weenie Shad

- 3,0 pollici / 7,6 cm: 10 pezzi per confezione
- 3,5 pollici / 8,9 cm: 8 pezzi per confezione

osp dolive stick spec2 10 Back side: Non-salt 
Belly side: small amount of salt

The back side is non-salt. The material of belly has small amount of salt. 

Il Dolive Stick Spec2 è un'innovativa esca per ricciole di OSP che può essere utilizzata in molte situazioni. Rispetto al Dolive Stick tradizionale, la mescola di gomma dello Spec2 contiene meno sale e solo nella parte inferiore del corpo. La sua forma speciale conferisce al Dolive Stick di OSP una corsa molto interessante, naturale e unica. Quando viene utilizzato su un amo widegap, ad esempio come soft jerk o su un rig Carolina/Texas, l'OSP Dolive Stick si rivela davvero perfetto.

Il Dolive Stick può essere utilizzato per diverse tecniche di pesca, come mostrato nel video:
- Drop Shot
- Senza peso (esca Wacky Rig e Offset Hook)
- Carolina Rig
- Texas Rig
- Jig Head, ad esempio come trailer per l'OSP Synchro
- Neko Rig (simile a un Wacky Rig, ma con un piombo a vite attaccato alla testa dell'esca)

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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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