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Dolive ShotOSP Dolive Shot

Dolive Shot

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Disponibilità: In magazzino

Produttore: OSP
12,95 CHF
OSP Dolive Shot, 4,5 pollici, è un nuovo highlight della nobile fucina giapponese.
OSP Dolive Shot
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
Dolive Shot Cinnamon Blue Flake W002Dolive Shot Cinnamon Blue Flake W002 3
12,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Dolive Shot Black W016Dolive Shot Black W016 5
12,95 CHF
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12,95 CHF
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Dolive Shot Ebi Miso Black TW146Dolive Shot Ebi Miso Black TW146 3
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Dolive Shot Water Melon Gill TW190Dolive Shot Water Melon Gill TW190 1
12,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

OSP Dolive Shot

  • Dimensione: 4,5 pollici
    Contenuto: 5 pezzi 

    L'OSP DoLive Shot ha ereditato le prestazioni di base del Dolive Stick. Appositamente sviluppato per il cosiddetto "back-side" rig, crea il proprio movimento di rotolamento sotto l'acqua durante la fase di affondamento, mentre la "gonna" oscilla delicatamente da un lato all'altro. Questa azione durante la fase di affondamento è modellata sul volo dei gamberi vivi ed è quindi molto efficace in certe situazioni.

    Il DoLive Shot è anche estremamente versatile e può essere attaccato senza peso ad un gancio offset. Un altro modo di pescare il DoLive Shot è quello di inserire un piccolo peso da chiodo (nail sinker) nella testa.  


Weightless back slide setting

Weightless back slide setting generates voluntary action with body rolling and waving 8 hula skirts right and left. That fall action is almost live shrimp’s drift and entices bass bite.

The shot rig

By inserting nail sinker (0.3〜1.8g) into the nail hole under the body, not only castability but snagless ability is improved. Bass sometimes does not bite slow falling bait but it is also true that bass bite when the bait falls fast as if it disappears right after it land.


Weightless normal setting

It generates voluntary action waving hula skirts right and left. When you twitch it quickly, voluminous hula skirts wave and they appears to be the kick of tail fin of baitfish.

Center line and slit

There are center line and slit because inserting the hook straight is inevitable,


Hula skirts

The Do-Live Shot falls with body roll and hula skirts wave right and left when you insert the hook back slide setting. The ribs are designed to be very small to prevent from tangling each other.

Hula skirts 2

When you use weightless rig, the hula skirts open when you twitch it lightly and when you loosen the line tension the hula skirts move backward. This part creates liveliness as if shrimp’s kick back because opening and closing of hula skirts displace water.



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