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17:00 - 21:00
Spearhead Ryuki AwabiDUO Spearhead Ryuki Awabi
Spearhead Ryuki Awabi
Spearhead Ryuki Awabi

Spearhead Ryuki Awabi

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Disponibilità: In magazzino

Produttore: DUO
21,95 CHF
Spearhead Ryuki Awabi
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
Spearhead Ryuki Awabi DDH4030 Pink Yamame AMRyuki Awabi DDH4030 Pink Yamame AM - 70S 5+
21,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spearhead Ryuki Awabi DSH4046 Red Gold AMRyuki Awabi DSH4046 Red Gold AM - 70S 3
21,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

Spearhead Ryuki Awabi

The limited series of five colors will include an inner abalone plate enhancing the flashing effect considerably and being proven to increase the effectivity of lure in the water.
The abalone makes Ryuki series that much more lethal!

Available in: 45/ 50/ 60/ 70 mm


Abalonen (Awabi), auch Seeohren oder Meerohren genannt, sind eine Gattung grosser Schnecken, sie gleichen in ihrer Form einer Ohrmuschel und besitzen eine perlmuttreiche Schale. 

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