

Heute Ruhetag
Realis Spinbait 80 G-Fix 3119

Realis Spinbait 80 G-Fix 3119

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Produttore: DUO
18,95 CHF
18,95 CHF
CCC3119 Phantom Shad
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Realis Spinbait 80 G-Fix 3119Realis Spinbait 80 G-Fix 3119 0
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Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF




Color:          CCC3119 Phantom Shad

Länge:         80mm

Gewicht:     10.5g

Type:           Sinking

Tauchtiefe:  Variable

Haken:         #8x

Totale recensioni: 4
Voto medio: 5

  • 12-10-2021
    Great Product!!!!! EVen better customer service! Can't wait to use these.
    Decatur - United States
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  • 12-10-2021
    Great Product!!!!! EVen better customer service! Can't wait to use these.
    Decatur - United States
    Questa recensione e' stata di aiuto per te? No Grazie per il tuo feedback.

  • 22-10-2021
    Great Product!!!!! EVen better customer service! Can't wait to use these.
    Decatur - United States
    Questa recensione e' stata di aiuto per te? No Grazie per il tuo feedback.

  • 12-10-2021
    Great Product!!!!! EVen better customer service! Can't wait to use these.
    Decatur - United States
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Guarda tutto 4 recensioni clienti.

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