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Louder 60, Chart Back Ghost GH64OSP Louder 60, Chart Back Ghost GH64

Louder 60, GH64 Chart Back Ghost

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Délai de livraison: En stock

Fournisseurs: OSP
22,05 CHF
17,65 CHF
Percentage: -20%
OSP Louder 60mm, Chart Back Ghost GH64
OSP Louder 60

OSP Louder 60

  • Good for fishing at both major lake and small pond. 60mm popper “The Louder 60”


Color:     Chart Back Ghost GH64

Size:      60mm

Weight:   8.4g

Type:     Topwater 

The center of gravity is placed rear part and specific gravity is high.
It is designed to have high specific gravity by placing big weight in the rear room. So it has castabity, good water displacement, excellent on-the -spot action, big rattle sound. Its popping and splash sound have been improved because it catches the water well.


Long Nose and Break Water structure.
Although it floats rather vertically it generates popping sound because of long nose. Break Water structure designed inside the upper jaw raises the water column upward and splashes water forward widely. This is a special structure that generates appeal power of Louder.

  • +41 79 299 66 77

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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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