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Weight: 1/4oz, 7g
When you retrieve normal cracker buzzbait, cracker hits prop and interferes rotation. So, they adopt center-through-prop because it has the best rotation efficiency.When it comes to the matter of size, center-through-prop was selected among existing large, middle, small sizes. If you want to make a good balance buzzbait, you have to choose the size of prop from one of those 3 sizes because it has much to do with buoyancy.So this time we originally made an intermediate exquisite size between existing medium and small size. That is “PUPPY prop".
ZEROTWO BEATJr. PUPPY has long castability because it has adequate head weight in proportion with “PUPPY prop". Downsizing does not mean lure for small bass. ZEROTWO BEATJr. PUPPY is equipped with strong hook for big bass which normal size buzzbait is not equipped. And by adopting brass BEAT cracker, it succeeded in create bigger sound than ordinary buzzbait that have aluminum alloy.
Thus high appeal and compact body ZERO TWO BEATJr. PUPPY was born. The name “BEAT” will be engraved in the history of buzzbait.
+41 79 299 66 77
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Rudolfstetten, CH