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The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66MThe Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M
The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M
The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M

The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M

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Hersteller: EVERGREEN
899,95 CHF
The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
The Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66MThe Cobra RS Limited, IRSC-66M 1
899,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

IRSC-66M The "Cobra RS" Limited

Cobra, dramatically evolved at Torayca ® T1100G. Synergistic effect with original guide system realizes sensitivity and castability at the highest level. Overwhelming casting precision, super technical which increased pleasure to drive pin spot to the limit, cobra which became synonymous with Versatile rod. A world of top tournaments repeating hundreds of thousands and thousands of casts a day. Cobra RS Limited emphasizes its extraordinary comfort. The grip adopts the separate grip of AAA champagne cork that exerts the sensitivity amplification effect, pursuing practical sensitivity and thorough lightness. 

Model Länge Teile Gewicht Wurfgewicht Schnur Power
IRSC-66M 6'6'' / 198cm  1 122g 1/4 - 3/4oz  8 - 16lb Medium



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