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16:00 - 20:00
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PSJackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS online kaufen bei mickey's Tackle shop
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS online kaufen bei mickey's Tackle shop
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS online kaufen bei mickey's Tackle shop

Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS

Noch nicht bewertet:
Bewertung hinzufügen

Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: JACKALL
460,70 CHF
276,40 CHF
Percentage: -40%
Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS

Jackall Bambluz Extro - BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS

The long-awaited SLJ (super light jigging) model has appeared in "BAMBLUZ", which covers offshore jigging games. It is a model that has a wide variety of targets in the range around the coastal areas all over the country, and you can enjoy a wide range of jigging from migratory fish such as yellowtail and Young-yellow tail to grunt, Red sea bream, horse mackerel and Mackerel, as well as rock fish such as pheasant grouper and scorpionfish. You can have it.

In SLJ, in addition to the vertical invitation for spinning tackle, it is a big advantage to cast and explore a wide range. Its merits by EXTRO process of the blank, which boasts the flexibility and robust restoring force make the most of while suppressing the trouble speedy will continue a well-cast and operation. BBXS-S66-SLJ is one that can handle a wide range of SLJ games against a wide variety of fish species.

WeightLure Weight(g)LineType
BBXS-S66-SLJ+PS 6’6"(1.98m) 1 156g Max 100g PE MAX #1.5 Spinning

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