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IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT WakasagiMegabass IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT Wakasagi

IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT Wakasagi

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
28,00 CHF
19,60 CHF
Percentage: -30%
IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT Wakasagi, 57mm, 7g, Produced by Yuki ito & Katsutaka Imae

Megabass I x I Shad Type R

  • Secret Weapon

Produced by Yuki Ito and Katsutaka Imae

A high pitch, high stability shad that allows for fast searches of the 1m shallow range, reliably turning bites into results. The high pitch screw-roll action allows for clear bottom contact thanks to the forward falling posture. This drastically increases the bite chances when contacting structure and the bottom. You can see the performance of this next-generation shad with its ability to draw out tough, clever fish with its speedy flashing.

  • Color:    #9 HT Wakasagi
  • Length:  57mm
  • Weight:  1/4oz, 7g

Type:     Slow Floating

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IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT Wakasagi

IXI SHAD TYPE-R, 9 HT Wakasagi

28,00 CHF
19,60 CHF
Percentage: -30%

  • +41 79 299 66 77

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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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