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Megabass Triza SpinningMegabass Triza Spinning
Megabass Triza Spinning
Megabass Triza Spinning
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Megabass Triza Spinning

Megabass Triza Spinning

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Hersteller: MEGABASS
439,95 CHF
Megabass Triza Travel Spinning Rod - Triangle concept
Megabass Triza
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Megabass Triza SpinningMegabass Triza Spinning - F0-68XSTZ Hibali 3
439,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Megabass Triza SpinningMegabass Triza Spinning - F2-70XSTZ Lopros 1
449,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Megabass Triza SpinningMegabass Triza Spinning - F3-72XSTZ  Ageha 0
459,95 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Megabass Triza Spinning

Triangle concept

Utilizing concepts developed by Yuki Ito and ITO engineering, the Megabass Triza Travel Spinning Rods deliver performance that leaves conventional multi-piece rods in the past. Featuring a totally new “Triangle” concept of three-piece rod design and construction, the Megabass Triza Travel Spinning Rods leverage the ability to build each blank section specifically to its purpose, blending unique functions into each section of the black to deliver performance that would be impossible with traditional one-piece construction. The tip section maximizes tension, the belly section maximizes torque, and the butt section maximizes torsional rigidity. The “Triangle” Concept also results in a reduction of overlapping duplicate layers to improve the total weight and balance, creating an astonishing lightweight feel.

Painstakingly built one at a time, the Megabass Triza Travel Spinning Rods feature beautiful natural bird’s eye peacock wood reel seats, silky hand-threading performed by a skilled craftsman, polished guides, and hand drawn graphics. They also come with a custom rod case that is built with semi-hard insert plates, which keep the rods protected from impacts and provide enough space to accommodate a reel while attached to the rod. If you’re looking for an uncompromising bass fishing experience when traveling, the Megabass Triza Travel Spinning Rods will not disappoint. 

Model Length Tr. Length  Pcs Weight Lure Line Action
F0-68XSTZ Hibali 6'8'' / 203cm  70.5cm    3   88g 1/32 - 3/16oz  2 - 7lb Fast
F2-70XSTZ Lopros 7'0'' / 213cm  74.0cm    3   99g 1/32 - 1/4oz  3 - 10lb M-Fast
F3-72XSTZ  Ageha 7'2'' / 218cm  76.0cm    3   101 1/16 - 1/2oz  4 - 12lb M-Fast

Tight Lines

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