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Megabass Destroyer P5 SpinningMegabass Destroyer P5 Spinning
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning
Megabass Destroyer P5
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning

Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
479,95 CHF
Megabass Brand New Destroyer P5 Spinning Series
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Destroyer P5 SP - F0st-63XS Kirisame UltimateDestroyer P5 SP - F0st-63XS Kirisame Ultimate 2
479,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning - F1st-66XS KirisameDestroyer P5 SP - F1st-66XS Kirisame 3
489,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Destroyer P5 SP - F2-66XS WhippetDestroyer P5 SP - F2-66XS Whippet 1
499,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Destroyer P5 SP - F1.1/2-72XS Baby PluggingDestroyer P5 SP - F1.1/2-72XS Baby Plugging 2
519,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Destroyer P5 SP - F3.1/2-72XS Wind BusterDestroyer P5 SP - F3.1/2-72XS Wind Buster 4
519,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Destroyer P5 Spinning - F5st-65XS Kirisame SpecialDestroyer P5 Spinning - F5st-65XS Kirisame Special 3
529,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Megabass Destroyer P5 Spinning Series

Vor einem Vierteljahrhundert, im Jahr 1995, präsentierte Yuki Ito der Welt den Prototyp einer Bassrute aus dem Hause Megabass, die ein direkter Nachfahre der von ihm 1986 entwickelten handgefertigten ARMS Bassrute war. Er wollte die konventionellen Standards und den gesunden Menschenverstand der Bassruten zerstören. Die Destroyer setzte einen neuen Maßstab für Bassruten, indem sie viele andere Bassruten mit ihrer stoisch geschliffenen Sensibilität und überwältigenden Technologie hinter sich ließ.

Im Jahr 2019 wurde das Projekt LAIHA von den Ingenieuren von MPW (MEGABASS PERFORMANCE WORKS) als vorauseilende Offenlegungsarbeit der experimentellen Technologie gestartet. Eines davon ist das 5-D-Graphit-System. Das 5-D-Graphit-System ist ein neues Konzept in der Schaftkonstruktionstechnologie, das eine radikale Abkehr von der Designphilosophie von Destroyer darstellt, bei der fortschrittliche Schichtensysteme eingeführt wurden. Und es ist endlich Realität geworden. Der "New King of Destruction" wird als der neue " Destroyer " regieren und durch innovative Technologie eine neue Dimension der Rutenleistung freisetzen. Dies ist eine Revolution in der Zerstörung von Bassruten. Genau wie damals. 


  • Modell Länge Teile Weight Wurfgewicht Schnur Aktion
    F0st-63XS Kirisame Ultimate 6'3'' / 190cm    1   91g 1/32 - 3/32oz  2 - 6lb Ex. Fast
    F1st-66XS Kirisame 6'6'' / 198cm    1   95g 1/32 - 1/8oz  3 - 6lb Ex. Fast
    F2-66X Whippet 6'6'' / 198cm    1   90g 1/32 - 1/4oz  3 - 10lb Fast
    F1.1/2-72XS Baby Plugging 7'2'' / 219cm    1   97g 3/32 - 7/16oz  3 - 6lb Fast
    F3.1/2-72XS Wind Buster 7'2'' / 219cm    1  103g 1/4 - 5/8oz  6 - 16lb M. Fast
    F5st-65XS Kirisame Special 6'5'' / 195cm    1  110g 1/8 - 3/4oz  8 - 20lb M. Fast

F0st-63XS Kirisame Ultimate
Born to meet the challenge of Japan's toughest fields, the F0st-62XS KIRISAME ULTIMATE is the extreme expression of ultralight finesse, dialing sensitivity to the maximum setting with a solid carbon STINGER TIP and the extrasensory abilities of 5-D Graphite. The KIRISAME ULTIMATE enables ultralight presentations down to 2lb test, with the kind of silky-smooth responsiveness required to absorb sudden fights without straining line to the breaking point. The integrity of the new 5-D blank construction method further reduces unwanted blank twist and heavy reverberations, delivering focused, ultralight sensitivity and control.

  • F1st-66XS Kirisame 

The F1st-66XS KIRISAME is the new standard KIRISAME of the 5-D Graphite era. With a STINGER TIP and upgraded blank, KIRISAME is a master of light finesse rigs, scoring highly across all finesse benchmarks throughout its development. excellent “give,” absorbing light bites and imparting tantalizing action alike. Improved cut-patterning and layering process of the 5-D GRAPHITE SYSTEM ensures an impossibly smooth taper transition into the mid-section, where the blank's tenacious torque enables long casts, strong lifting power, and decisive sweeping hooksets. The KIRISAME is the new global standard of finesse utility.

F2-66X Whippet
When developing the F2-66XS WHIPPET, the Megabass design team set out to explore the concept behind the F2-64XS, a spinning rod beloved for the better part of 25 years. The resulting 5-D Graphite prototypes came in nearly 35% lighter and with significantly more torque, leading to the addition of 2" to the blank's length and minor adjustments to more fully realize the F2-64XS' original potential. The WHIPPET is a multi-purpose, "whip-like" performer, boasting agile blank recovery, lightness and powerful torque to enable multi-purpose finesse applications.

  • F1.1/2-72XS Baby Plugging

The F1.1 / 2-72XS BABY PLUGGING is tuned for finesse hardbaits, leveraging 5-D Graphite to decrease unwanted blank twist and reverberation, and increase power and controllability. Ideally suited to small minnow plugs and crankbaits, the F1.1 / 2 -72XS exhibit exquisite retrieve tension and feel, allowing for thrilling light-bite plugging games

  • F3.1/2-72XS Wind Buster

The F3.5-72XS WIND BUSTER is the “go-to” choice to confront a vast and varied field, offering an ideal balance of length and power to handle finesse softbaits and smaller hardbaits alike—especially when tough headwinds make lures difficult to cast with baitcasting setups. Powered by the 5-D GRAPHITE SYSTEM, the WIND BUSTER displays crisp blank recovery performance and unexpected torque, enlivening presentations from shaky heads to jerkbaits. Medium-fast taper uncoils with silky-smoothness, transitioning load to where it is borne best, allowing for both delicate rod work and domineering performance as the situation dictates.

  • F5st-65XS Kirisame Special
  • The F5st-65XS KIRISAME SPECIAL is the ultimate spinning tool for finesse cover situations and deep, open water nose-hooking. The medium-fast taper is finished with a solid carbon STINGER TIP for unimaginable sensitivity in a F5-power rod. This unique marriage of opposites allows for the presentation of lighter rigs that would only be possible with rods underpowered for the task at hand.

The KAMEYAMA SPECIAL is built to target deep rockpiles, gnarly submerged timber, brush, and structure infested with treacherously sharp quagga mussels. With this “heavyweight finesse” spinning setup, delicate rigs can be cast into heavy cover with confidence. The STINGER TIP allows for subtle lure manipulation and crisp sensitivity, while the F5-powered blank has the backbone to decisively haul hard-won catches from cover.

  • 29-09-2021
    Ich habe eine einteilige Rute bestellt und bin mehr als zufrieden. Top Ware zu einem fairen Preis. Der Versand war blitzschnell und die Rute war perfekt verpackt. Sehr empfehlenswerter Shop.
    Bernd Mendel
    Gelsenkirchen - Germany
    War diese Rezension hilfreich? Nein Ja Danke für Deine Meinung. 1 anderer fand das hilfreich.

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