

Heute Ruhetag
Great Hunting GH67-3LSGreat Hunting GH67-3LS
Great Hunting GH67-3LS
Great Hunting GH67-3LS
Great Hunting GH67-3LS
Great Hunting GH67-3LS
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Great Hunting GH77-2MLS
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Great Hunting GH77-2MLS

Great Hunting GH67-3LS

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
419,95 CHF

Megabass Great Hunting Trout Series 

Evangelist of extreme Games

Model Lenght Pcs. Weight Lure Line Action
GH 67-3 LS 6'7", 205cm  3 99g 1 - 6g 2 - 6lb  Extra Fast (Ultra Light)
  • .
      The GH 57-3 LS,The KAMLOOPS STINGER is Yuki Ito’s personal model. Designed for a long distance approach in highly-pressured fields, upstream casts, and long drifts while wading, the 6’7” length allows the angler to maintain distance and cover wider areas to trigger elusive bites. With a high frame K-Guide stripper guide, the GREAT HUNTING’s original guide setting delivers the casting performance of a traditional 7’ model in a shorter frame, for increased efficiency. Tip section is equipped with STINGER TIP technology, an advance first developed for the Destroyer and Hedge Hog series to capture subtle short bites.

The KAMLOOP’s blank is finished with YOLOY™ to add an additional layer of protection against scratches and damage that can occur in the wilderness.

  • 26-05-2022
    Shipped in time and well protected. Very nice rod.
    Made - Netherlands
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