

Heute Ruhetag
Great Hunting GH57-3LSGreat Hunting GH57-3LS
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Great Hunting GH57-3LS

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
389,95 CHF
389,95 CHF
Great Hunting GH57-3LS, The Whip Twitch

Megabass Great Hunting Trout Series 

Evangelist of extreme Games

Model Lenght Pcs. Weight Lure Line Action
GH 57-3 LS 5'7", 173cm  3 79g 2 - 8g 2 - 6lb  Medium Fast (Ultra Light)
  • .
        The GH 57-3 LS, WHIP TWITCH offers the versatility to target Yamame, Iwana, Rainbow and Brown trout in a wide variety of fields. From small minnows to heavier offerings, the high modulus blank delivers crisp feel and whip-quick recovery, allowing for long, accurate casts and precise angler action. Subtle tip is able to handle lighter presentations, without the wobbling tip-shake that often accompanies casts and rod work with lower-grade carbon builds. 

        Muscular blanks take the fight to large Trout, with a torque and lifting power that belies its thin design. 

        The WHIP TWITCH is the perfect size to balance distance and accuracy in tight spaces, offering a wide-ranging versatility that will earn its keep on countless climbs.

      • 26-05-2022
        Shipped in time and well protected. Very nice rod.
        Made - Netherlands
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