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Super Stallion RS Aurora EditionSuper Stallion RS Aurora Edition
Super Stallion RS Aurora Edition
Cobra RS Aurora Edition

Super Stallion RS Aurora Edition

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: EVERGREEN
959,95 CHF
Evergreen Kaleido Inspirare IRSC-71MH, The Super Stallion RS Aurora - Limited Edition
  • Evergreen Kaleido Inspirare Aurora Edition, LIMITED EDITION

The Super Stallion, IRSC-71MH-Aurora

Full length 2.16m  Joint number
Standard dead weight 140g  Power Medium Heavy
Lure range 10.5 - 84g  Line range 12 - 30lbs 

Blanks, guides, grips, parts... the best of the best.

▶ IRSC-71MH Best performance blanks worthy of the RS name
Hybrid & high taper design of 33 tons carbon (approx. 92%) and 40 tons high modulus carbon by applying "NANOALLOY® technology" to high strength and high modulus carbon fiber "TORAYCA® "T1100G".

▶ The latest lightest Torzite ring LKW guide newly adopted in the series
The lightest Torzite ring LKW guide (titanium frame double foot) is placed in the butt section, all-double foot setting that contributes to further robustness and lightness.

▶ AAA champagne cork separate grip that symbolizes the RS series
A combination of blank touch type Fuji ECS reel seat with black mica color and AAA champagne cork that has high hardness and contains a lot of air.

  • ▶ Aurora-colored metal parts

The grip is dressed up with aurora-colored metal parts. (Winding check, ring between reel seat and center grip, ring at grip end) 

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