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Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45

Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: OSP
21,95 CHF
OSP Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45Blitz MR, Green Gill GH45 5+
21,95 CHF
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Blitz MR, Real Wakasagi Ver.2 RP87Blitz MR, Real Wakasagi Ver.2 RP87 5+
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF
  • O.S.P Blitz MR

the last middle runner

Farbe: Green Gill GH45

A superior middle-running crankbait should have all of the following characteristics: castability, great wobble, precise transmission of the cover and bottom, snaglessness, good hookset, and capability of landing the fish. However, the common middle-running crankbait is not designed to meet all the criteria. If the emphasis is put on castability, the buoyancy decreases. If the emphasis is put on snaglessness, the castability goes down. In order to fulfill all of the conditions, we had to come up with something “special”. And with the incorporation of new ideas, we succeeded in producing an all-around middle-running crankbait that is easy to use and increases catches.

  • Länge:       51,5 mm
  • Gewicht:    9.5g
    Typ:           Schwimmend
    Haken:       #6
    Tauchtiefe: 0 - 2.5m

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