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Megabass Triza CastingMegabass Triza Baitcasting
Megabass Triza Casting
Megabass Triza Casting

Megabass Triza - F2-66XTZ Sparna

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
439,95 CHF
Megabass Triza, F2-66XTZ Sparna, Travel Casting Rod
Megabass Triza
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Megabass Triza CastingMegabass Triza - F0-63XTZ Aello 2
439,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Megabass Triza CastingMegabass Triza - F2-66XTZ Sparna 2
439,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Megabass Triza CastingMegabass Triza - F3-68XTZ Grils 2
439,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
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439,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF
  • Megabass Triza

Triangle concept

F2-66XTZ Sparna

The SPARNA is a versatile, light model that excels at the long-distance casting and control of shads, mini cranks, middleweight topwaters, and long-distance bait finesse. The sharp, super lightweight, high elasticity shaft gives a great casting feel with lightweight lures and has extreme accuracy for pinpoint attacks thank to the stable Triangle construction. The overwhelmingly high sensitivity blows past multi-joint rods out of water and transmits information about the position of the lure and the surrounding environment clearly back to the hands of the angler through the natural wood reel seat. This new light action special rod features superbly accurate control and sensitivity.

Model Length Tr. Length  Pcs Weight Lure Line Action
F0-63XTZ Aello 6'3'' / 190cm  33.5cm    3   86g 1/32 - 3/16oz  2 - 7lb M-Fast
F2-66XTZ Sparna 6'6'' / 198cm  69.0cm    3   99g 1/8 - 1/2oz  6 - 12lb M-Fast
F3-68XTZ Grils 6'8'' / 203cm   70.5cm    3   104g 1/4 - 5/8oz  6 - 14lb M-Fast

Tight Lines

  • 23-08-2021
    Great rod for perch.
    Berceni - Romania
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