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HP 3D Wacky W004 Green Pumpkin PepperHP 3D Wacky W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper

HP 3D Wacky W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: OSP
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper
HP 3D Wacky W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky W004 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W004 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W016 Black
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky W016 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W016 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W050 Mimizu
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky W050 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky W050 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW107 Green Pumpkin Chart
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW107 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW107 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW117 Ghost Shrimp
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW117 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW117 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW117 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW136 Kawaebi
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW136 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW139 Neon Wakasagi
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW139 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW139 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW139 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW146 Ebi Miso Black
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW146 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW147 Morning Down
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW147 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW147 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW147 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW148 Green Pumpkin Pink
Name Preis Lager Qty
HP 3D Wacky TW148 - 3.7 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW148 - 4.3 inch
12,95 CHF
HP 3D Wacky TW148 - 5 inch
12,95 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

HP 3D Wacky

Color: W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper 

  • Sizes:
    - 4.3 inch / 10.9 cm: 9 Stück pro Packung
    - 5.0 inch / 12.7 cm: 8 Stück pro Packung

  • The “HP 3D-Wacky” is a new standard of next generation neko-rig. It can make even sophisticated bass bite although they do not bite existing straight bait. The reason is The “HP 3D-Wacky” is specialized only for neko-rig to strengthen the ability to gather bass and let them bite. W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper.


  • +41 79 299 66 77

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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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