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OSP TyphoonOSP Typhoon

OSP Typhoon

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: OSP
25,00 CHF
25,00 CHF
OSP Typhoon, 3/4oz, 1oz
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
OSP Typhoon - Spark Ice Shad ST17Typhoon - Spark Ice Shad ST17, 1oz 0
25,00 CHF
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OSP Typhoon - Spark White Chart ST21Typhoon - Spark White Chart ST21, 1oz 0
25,00 CHF
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OSP Typhoon - Black FL Silver S70Typhoon - Black FL Silver S70, 1oz 0
25,00 CHF
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OSP Typhoon - LB Shad S63Typhoon - LB Shad S63, 3/4oz 0
25,00 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF


Size: 3/4oz, 21g  /  1oz, 28g

Typhoon was born as a super strong weapon. We know well that the bass feel a strong attraction for bait voluminous, it is their nature. The Typhoon was created to satisfy a particular desire namely that of a bait, stiff but big, that can go inside the cover. The spinnerbait is generally a bait very catching in the panorama hard bait, thanks also to the enormous amount of flash irregularly produced. The approach of spinnerbait to the cover does react the bass immediately. The Typhoon was designed to elevate to power the power of the spinnerbait in the cover.

So far, the blades utilized in the baits for bass were of size up to size # 8. The Typhoon mounts a the blade of # 10 in the models tandem willow. Certainly the Typhoon is not unique only for the size of the blades, but also for the various concepts that are the basis of the construction of this artificial.


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