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OSP Bladejig Spec2OSP Bladejig Spec2
OSP Bladejig Spec2
OSP Bladejig Spec2
OSP Bladejig Spec2

OSP Bladejig Spec2

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: OSP
17,90 CHF
OSP Bladejig Spec2, The new stage of fast moving lure.
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Bladejig Spec2 GP Blue Flake BJ38Bladejig Spec2 - GP Blue Flake BJ38 0
17,90 CHF
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Bladejig Spec2 - Ghost Chart Blue Back BJ40Bladejig Spec2 - Ghost Chart Blue Back BJ40 0
17,90 CHF
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Bladejig Spec2 Black Blue Purple BJ41Bladejig Spec2 - Black Blue Purple BJ41 0
17,90 CHF
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Bladejig Spec2 - Ghost Tenaga BJ42Bladejig Spec2 - Ghost Tenaga BJ42 0
17,90 CHF
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Bladejig Spec2 - Pink Lady BJ47Bladejig Spec2 - Pink Lady BJ47 0
17,90 CHF
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Bladejig Spec2 Green Pumpkin Chart BJ48Bladejig Spec2 - Green Pumpkin Chart BJ48 0
17,90 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

O.S.P Blade Jig Spec2

Weight: 3/8oz, 11g, Qty: 1 Jig incl. 2 Action Trailers

Original O.S.P Blade Jig was released equipped with transparent blade in 2011. At that time the blade of such jig was made of only metal. It was developed to have performance to make bass bite even under the slow and high pressure situation when spinner bait or crankbait cannot work well. As for its swimming, when you retrieve slowly it moves regularly, when you retrieve a little fast it starts to show irregular action and when you retrieve it faster it shows erratic action. It appeals to bass with its flexibility like soft bait. Transparent blade moves skirt and trailer and this movement creates sharp rolling action like hard bait. The original O.S.P Blade Jig is a new card of fast moving lure that has original appeal power of hard bait and soft bait.

 The difference between original Blade Jig and The Blade Jig SPEC 2 

The Blade Jig SPEC 2 is equipped with different snap and small blade that is normally used for 1/4 size. So it generates super tight rolling with high pitch rotation although the power to move skirts and trailer worm will go down. When you retrieve it moderately it never staggers and when you retrieve it fast it swims straightly with a little stagger. So, fast retrieve under the surface of water is possible. And fish the bass boil is also effective. Original model keeps water depth like crankbait with the help of power of blade. But SPEC 2 can lift up the lure to get over visible obstacle by retrieving with holding rod upright. This action sometimes elicits bite from slow bass. These action and low appeal approach are different from original model. They are very powerful under the clear water and tough situation because bass do not become cautious.


Original O.S.P lure is designed to respond to most many situations in every kind of field and any kind of anglers. However, field condition, the type of cover, the condition of bass are not all the same. So, you cannot fish with just one bait. That means sometimes you need special performance even sacrificing something. O.S.P WORKS SECONDARY is the tuned model that can catch more fish than original one in certain condition.


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