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Spin Tail FrogOSP Spin Tail Frog

OSP Spin Tail Frog

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: OSP
19,55 CHF
19,55 CHF
OSP Spin Tail Frog
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Spin Tail Frog - B53 Black GoldSpin Tail Frog - B53 Black Gold 5
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B66 Define BlackSpin Tail Frog - B66 Define Black 5
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B55 Ghost Chart Blue Back.VSpin Tail Frog - B55 Ghost Chart Blue Back.V 5+
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B67 Real Ghost FrogSpin Tail Frog - B67 Real Ghost Frog 1
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B68 Real Tonosama FrogSpin Tail Frog - B68 Real Tonosama Frog 0
19,55 CHF
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Spin Tail Frog - B69 Real Tree FrogSpin Tail Frog - B69 Real Tree Frog 5+
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B70 Real Red FrogSpin Tail Frog - B70 Real Red Frog 4
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spin Tail Frog - B79 Natural Gill Spin Tail Frog - B79 Natural Gill 5+
19,55 CHF
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Spin Tail Frog - B78 Moebi Ver. 2Spin Tail Frog - B78 Moebi Ver. 2 4
19,55 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Spin Tail Frog

  • SIze:     59mm
  • Weight: 11g

Type: Floating

"Expand capture area" Frog game is evolving
Available area of spin tail frog is not only heavy cover which is frog’s favorite, but also around the structure of open water and clear water and also shallow weed area. SPIN TAIL FROG pursued the performance that exceeds almost all the lures for such circumstance, enhancing the strong point of frog to the fullest. In the first place, frog never makes bass cautious because it has soft body and diving sound is very natural. Frog does not make abnormal sound of hook and appearance is not uncomfortable either.

Also, frog can tempt bass by floating on the water long time and can attack structure aggressively. But the ordinary frog in the open area has weak point that the action is monotonous. SPIN TAIL FROG is the evolved frog that improved the power to elicit bite in the open area with the new function taking full advantage of blade. It has slim silhouette and sharp swing unlike normal frog. The fusion of soft body and metal blade creates a new world.

By installing the blade at the center of rear body, SPIN TAIL FROG wobbles tightly with stable posture by simple retrieve. Small Colorado blade installed at high position rotates briskly and stirs air and water. It buzzes with peculiar splash and flashing and sound. The body is soft but appeals strongly by slow retrieve. That is effect of ball bearing swivel. It dodges floating things like leaves remarkably. The combination of soft body and metal blade will bring new tactics.

  • +41 79 299 66 77

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