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Duo Realis Fangbait 120DR Duo Realis Fangbait 120DR

Realis Fangbait 120DR

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Hersteller: DUO
21,95 CHF
Duo Realis Fangbait 120DR
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Duo Realis Fangbait 120DR - ACC3069 Red TigerRealis Fangbait 120DR - ACC3069 Red Tiger 1
21,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Duo Realis Fangbait 120DR - AFA3333 Wild ArapaimaRealis Fangbait 120DR - AFA3333 Wild Arapaima 1
21,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Realis Fangbait 120DR 

Size:     120mm

Weight: 26.7g

Type:     Floating ( Magnet Assisted Weight )

The heavy duty weapon for “Going Beast Mode”

What do you tie on your rod when you plan to target a 20kg Papuan Bass, 40kg barramundi or 100kg arapaima? What tackle generates enough confidence to tie it on even when fighting a world class record fish? We offer you the answer – the Fangbait series.

Developed by Kazuhiro Uyama and tested on his many trips to chase the greatest of world’s predators, Fangbait aims to become a staple in “beast hunters” tackle boxes. In contrast to the countless long lipped diver shaped lures on the market, Fangbait DR series is equipped with outstanding castability. These types of lures are mainly utilized for trolling and when cast, the long lip prevents it from maintaining a stable flight. Fangbait DR series however is loaded with a moving weight system enabling the lure to cast great distances.

The next generation diving jerkbait, Fangbait DR series will change the conception of what was known as a diving type lure.

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