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Deps GanobladeDeps Ganoblade

Deps Ganoblade

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: DEPS
15,95 CHF
Der Deps Ganoblade ist ein aussergewöhnlicher Spoon/Löffel mit einem einzigartig wellenförmigen Lauf.
Deps Ganoblade 06 Salmon
Name Preis Lager Qty
Ganoblade 06 Salmon - 10g
15,95 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Deps Ganoblade 

The Deps Ganoblade, is a fantastic new concept spoon with potential to capture devastating, for its optimal development in fact, Deps, has required almost two years. This is an metal jig suitable for large and distrustful black bass that do not react to approaches sensitive to slow recovery, but rather, they react to something more dynamic, such as the Ganoblade. Indeed, in addition to its action based upon a rolling irregular, the movement is accompanied by flushing orbital movement, which combined with strong flash, induce the predator to attack without delay.

The body of the Ganoblade is curved with an S-shape, in the development phase, it was observed that this form undulant, besides guaranteeing its distinctive movement, increased greatly the production of flash. Its properties astounding are not restricted in the recovery linear, but in a wide range of use even in depth.

This excellent metal jig Furthermore has ability to launching elevated in order to succeed at undermining the great black bass or pike in the places most difficult to reach. Also to be noted the colors, all extremely attractant matched to the eye "red eye" three-dimensional, details that make the difference and who often are underestimated by many. 

Länge:       72mm
Gewicht:    10g & 19g

Ganoblade up


Ganoblade hook

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