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Dera Break, Clear WhiteJackall Dera Break, Clear White

Dera Break Clear White - 1/4oz

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Disponibilità: In magazzino

Produttore: JACKALL
13,95 CHF
11,15 CHF
Percentage: -20%
Jackall Dera Break Clear White - 1/4oz, 7g
Dera Break Clear White - 1/8oz
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Dera Break Clear White - 1/8oz
13,95 CHF
Dera Break Clear White - 3/16oz
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13,95 CHF
Dera Break Clear White - 1/4oz
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dera Break Clear White - 1/4oz
11,15 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF


Jackall Dera Break

Color:  Clear White

Weight: 1/4oz, 7g

Jackall Dera Break Clear White, 1/4oz is compact blade baits. Dera Break keep swimming at the same depth range for its metal blade, making wobbling actions. Two wire guards are installed to stand at the water bottom to prevent hooking at bottom. Flare rubber waves at wobble.


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Dera Break, Clear White

Dera Break Clear White - 1/4oz

13,95 CHF
11,15 CHF
Percentage: -20%

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