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OSP Dolive Beaver TW107 Green Pumpkin/ChartOSP Dolive Beaver TW107 Green Pumpkin/Chart

Dolive Beaver TW107, 3 inch

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Disponibilità: In magazzino

Produttore: OSP
12,50 CHF
OSP Dolive Beaver TW107 Green Pumpkin Chart, 3 inch
OSP Dolive Beaver
Dolive Beaver TW107, 3 inch
Product Name Price Stock Qty
Dolive Beaver TW107, 3 inch
12,50 CHF
Dolive Beaver TW107, 3.5 inch
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12,50 CHF
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12,50 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

OSP Dolive Beaver

Color:    TW107 Green Pumpkin Chart

  • Size:     3'', 76mm

Qty:      7 Pcs

The OSP Dolive Beaver TW107 Green Pumpkin Chart, 3 inch was born as a new bait of hog bait. It has high performance like weedless, easy action, hooking and casting. And it also has lively “Vassallo” action (Vassallo like as Dolphin kick). That is the reason why this bait has succeeded the name of “DoLive”. 


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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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