

Heute Ruhetag
20 Calcutta Conquest  DC20 Shumano Calcutta Conquest DC

Calcutta Conquest DC 201HG

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Produttore: SHIMANO
619,95 CHF
20 Shimano Calcutta Conquest DC 201HG
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
20 Calcutta Conquest  DCCalcutta Conquest DC 101 0
579,95 CHF
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20 Calcutta Conquest  DCCalcutta Conquest DC 101HG 1
579,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
20 Calcutta Conquest  DCCalcutta Conquest DC 201 0
599,95 CHF
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20 Calcutta Conquest  DCCalcutta Conquest DC 201HG 2
619,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

New 20 Shimano Calcutta Conquest DC 201HG

Left Hand

  • With the W (Wind) mode on the I-DC5 circuit installed in this reel, prevention against backlash under strong wind conditions have been reinforced. This means that lures which are heavily affected by air resistance can also be cast with ease by anglers. Castability is increased with the use of Magnumlite Spool. In addition to the cold-forged body, the micromodule gear featured in this reel has allowed for a smooth rotation feel at a very low noise level. Finally, the rotational resitance of the spool is further reduced by using a new rotor clutch by Shimano.
  • .
Modell Übersetzung Gewicht g Kugellager Bremsleistung Schnureinzug Schnurkapazität
New 101 5.6:1 240 12/1 4 kg 58 cm 0,28 mm - 100 m 
New 101HG 6.8:1 240 12/1 4 kg 70 cm 0,28 mm - 100 m 
201 4.8:1 260 12/1 6 kg 57 cm 0,31 mm - 145 m
New  201HG 6.2:1 260 12/1 6 kg 74 cm 0,31 mm - 145 m


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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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