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Zenaq Spirado BlackartZenaq Spirado Blackart
Zenaq Spirado Blackart
Zenaq Spirado Blackart

Zenaq Spirado Blackart

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Produttore: Zenaq
729,95 CHF
Zenaq Spirado Blackart - Systematic Game Fishing Rod for Black Bass
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
Zenaq Spirado BlackartZenaq Spirado Blackart - B65 Finesse 1
729,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Zenaq Spirado BlackartZenaq Spirado Blackart - B67 Frog 1
729,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Zenaq Spirado BlackartZenaq Spirado Blackart - B2.5-66 First Pilot 0
729,95 CHF
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Zenaq Spirado Blackart - B3-70Zenaq Spirado Blackart - B3-70 0
729,95 CHF
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Zenaq Spirado BlackartZenaq Spirado Blackart - B3.5-68 Bottom Sensor 0
729,95 CHF
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Zenaq Spirado Blackart - B4.5-72 Biwa SpecZenaq Spirado Blackart - B4.5-72 Biwa Spec 1
749,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Zenaq Spirado Blackart - B79 Cover PEZenaq Spirado Blackart - B79 Cover PE 1
751,80 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

Zenaq Spirado Blackart

Spirado, la canna che potete usare come se fosse una parte del vostro corpo, rinasce dopo 12 anni con il nome di BLACKART. Questa serie è stata progettata per la pesca al blackbass in Giappone e il concetto di BLACKART è quello di affinare al massimo la sua sensibilità. Il suo blank trasmette un'azione precisa e una risposta accurata. L'azione sofisticata della canna copre varie situazioni contro molte specie d'acqua dolce nel mondo. Nero, che si mescola con vari colori. Nero, che non viene mai tinto da nessun colore. Questa canna ricoperta di nero sarà il simbolo 

    • Model Length Pcs Action Power Weight Lure
      B65 6'5'' / 195cm  1 EX-Fast L 121g 1/16 ~ 3/8oz
      B2-63 6'3'' / 192cm  1 Fast ML 122g 3/16 ~ 5/8oz
      B2.5-66 6'6'' / 198cm  1 Fast M 123g 1/4 ~ 3/4oz
      B67 7'0'' / 198cm   1  Mid-Fast  M-MH  152g  1/4 ~ 1oz
      B3-70 7'0'' / 198cm  1 Mid-Fast MH 136g 1/4 ~ 1oz
      B3.5-68 6'8'' / 203cm  1 Fast MH 134g 1/4 ~ 1oz
      B4.5-72 7'2'' / 218cm 1+1 Fast HH 144g 3/8 ~ 2oz
      B79 7'9'' / 235cm 1+1 Fast HH 185g 1/2 ~ 3oz
      B65 Finesse  High casting controllability to the pin-spot

    B65 Finesse enables to cast a finesse rig to a pinspot you aimed on precisely by its flexibility and sharpness. Also, you can control any trick casting and operate finesse game rhythmically. With this model, you can use very light lures which you could have used only with spinning tackles. This model is good match with a small rubber jig, nail rig, finesse Texas.

    • B2-63  Super technical rod with High Operability

    B2-63 is one of the most sensitive model in BLACKART series. Its blank transmits bottom shape and even texture of weed clearly. High elastic carbon is contained, and it makes a rod tip very sharp and soft. It gives life to long bill minnows and jerk baits, and it’s very good with Texas-rig, no-sinker worm, heavy down-shot, and nail-rig.

    • B2.5-66 First Pilot The High Spec All-round

    B2.5-66 First Pilot is a middle class versatile rod for recognizing a situation in the water with a first approach. Its very smooth rod taper performs high casting accuracy, casting distance and usability of wide range of lure type such as shadtail, minnows, shallow crank baits, spinnerbait, chatterbait, jerkbait, light~middle class rubber jigs, Texas rigs, heavy down-shot. This high versatility will be a great advantage of anglers.

    • B67 Frog Medium versatile with durability

    The biggest feature of this model is durability even against 20kg breaking test, while it is a medium class rod which enables to control light class lures from 7g technically. Not only for Frog type lures but it has very high usability on many types of lures and rigs such as shadtail, leaderless downshot, spinnerbait, big crankbait. It’s good to use popper type frog lure as well.

    • B3-70 To search wider range precisely

    This is a special rod for using vibration, deep crank, heavy fast-moving lure. We put our big effort on weight saving and shortening grip length as much as possible. Because of that, even though it’s a 7feet rod, casting ability is increased more than usual 7 feet rod, and its reduced rod weight raises handling and usability as if its shorter than 7 feet. Its casting ability will be a big advantage in the open area and from the shore to capture the breaks. Best match with 3/8-1/2oz class metal vibration, Texas-rig, Carolina-rig, chatterbait, swimbait, spinnerbait, etc.

    • B3.5-68 Bottom Sensor High sensitivity to capture the bottom

    B3.5-68 is a specialized rod for worming, Texas-Rig. The biggest feature is its sensitivity in the bottom area. Its tip senses bottom situation very clear and unclear bite in weed and bush area, and also a butt has high power to penetrate thick hook to upper jaw. This rod is dedicated to someone who wants to master Texas rig.

    • B4.5-72 Biwa Spec The Lake Biwa heavy Versatile

    A heavy utility model that supports a wide range of medium to heavy weight lures in an incredibly high-dimensional manner. This rod has an exquisite taper that allows for minute actions and the tip hardness for a proper bite, accurately capturing their feeling and possessing outstanding abilities in both hard and delicate aspects. The unique performance of its blank makes this one version appropriate for bottom based rigs such as Jig or Texas rigs, drop-shot, and even 1/2~2oz class scroll-based baits like big crank, heavy spinnerbait, swimming jig, Alabama rig and big bait at a very high level. We’ve created an essential model for Lake Biwa style anglers whether fishing by boat or inshore.

    • B79 Cover PE For getting one more fish in the tough situation

    B79 Cover PE is made only for punching with PE line (braided line). It has a delicate usability and very smooth taper made from sensitive tip to let bass bite deeply, bendable smooth butt, and strong butt which enables intense hooking. Sink a heavy sinker into a tiny gap between deep cover, and drag a huge monster out strait away. < Guide setting> Small size titanium frame and TORZITE ring (all double footed), and Spiral guide setting.

Totale recensioni: 2
Voto medio: 5

  • 22-05-2021
    Vielfältige Rute bin sehr zufrieden nicht zu straff und nicht zu weich
    Büron - Switzerland
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  • 15-06-2021
    eine Finesserute die seines gleichen sucht, perfekt um kleine Rigs zu fischen
    Büron - Switzerland
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