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OSP Yamato Jr.OSP Yamato Jr.
OSP Yamato Jr.
OSP Yamato Jr.

OSP Yamato Jr.

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Produttore: OSP
25,00 CHF
25,00 CHF
Lo Yamato Jr. è un vero mago tra le esche topwater. OSP lo chiama "Surface Multi Action Bait" perché ha due comportamenti di funzionamento completamente diversi
Toshinari Namiki captures 64cm at Yamato Jr.
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
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Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

OSP Yamato Jr.

Lo Yamato Jr. è un vero mago tra le esche topwater. OSP lo chiama "Surface Multi Action Bait" perché ha due comportamenti di funzionamento completamente diversi. Quando viene agganciato all'occhiello inferiore, lo Yamato Jr. corre in superficie e produce un'azione simile a quella di un popper. Quando viene agganciato all'occhiello inferiore, scorre appena sotto la superficie dell'acqua in stile walk-the-dog. Lo Yamato Jr. combina quindi le caratteristiche di una swimbait, di un popper e di una pencilbait.

- Lunghezza: 94 mm
- Peso: 18 g
- Tipo: Galleggiante / Floating


Side cup
In order to splash widely, side cup is added on left and right with front cup. No other lure has side cup. Side cup creates not only splash but mass of air in water and it attracts big bass widely(when high-appeal eye is used). And it helps dive the lure by catching current.
Center board
Center board attached beneath front realizes quick and wide 180 degree turn as if It was like putting up of the rudder to the prow.(when high appeal eye is used). Moreover, it helps increase splash, widen wake, create S-character action by just retrieve. So it is very important part which creates action that is impossible for normal pencil bait and popper.

Dual eye: high appeal eye
Main eye that generates pencil and popper function as topwater lure. High pitch dog walk that swings its head up and down, right and left can tempt intensively where you want to get bite. Also, wide angle splash to which detailed spray scatters and surface swelling ripple are very effective, so it appeals deep and widely.
Dual eye: diving eye
Diving eye makes lure dive easily, so as another YAMATO OSP, the stage of the action shifts right under the surface of the water. Making it dive by a little harder rod operation and dog walk under water by continuous twitch. Still more, S-character action with wide rolling right under surface of water by just retrieve. It expands the chance under the situation that bass does not come up to the surface because it dives a few inches.


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