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Megabass Shoreluck SL-72LSMegabass Shoreluck SL-72LS

Shoreluck SL-72LS

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Fournisseurs: MEGABASS
370,35 CHF
370,35 CHF
Megabass Shoreluck SL-72LS

Megabass Shoreluck SL-72LS

If you're attacking rockfish with hard bait, look no further than this rod. When used with small minnow lures or sinking pencils, it allows for repeated casts over a wide area, the ultimate in pleasant browsing. Thanks to the signature Shoreluck graphite shaft The special layered design of the latest 7'2 ”model feels firm in the hand, sending a clear plug action response down, which throws any kind of lure or rig much farther than the rest, this rod demonstrates a baffling long-distance castability. Engineered so that even the most delicate bites register as “metallic,” the peculiar tension of the extra fine tip lends acute sensitivity and responsiveness to your attacks. Unlike old-fashioned rods that only bend at the tip,The SL-72LS has an adaptive shaft that loads deeply during rigorous retrieves, thoroughly minimizing last-second losses at the surface. This rod easily contends not only with the fierce tugs of jumbo rockfish, but the sudden jerks of juvenile Japanese sea perch and blackhead seabream.

ModelLengthWeightActionLureLine Sec.Closed Length
SL-510ULS 5'10" / 178cm 83g Ex. Fast MAX 5g PE MAX 0.6   2 92cm
SL-72LS 7'2" / 218cm 101g Fast MAX 10g PE MAX 0.8   2 113cm
  • 7'6" / 228cm
102g Regular MAX 12g PE MAX 1.0   2 118cm
SL-75MLS 7'5" / 226cm 107g  Regular  MAX 14g PE MAX 1.2   2 117cm 
SL-82MLS 8'2" / 249cm 115g M - Fast  MAX 16g  PE MAX 1.2   2 128cm 
SL-72H+S 7'2" / 218cm 151g  Fast MAX 50g  PE MAX 2.5    2 113cm 

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