

Heute geöffnet
17:00 - 20:00

Zielfisch: Hecht


Jackall Gantarel, a bluegill type big bait, 160mm, 70g

49,95 CHF

Megabass Vatalion

Crafted by master lure designer, Yuki Ito, the Megabass ...

31,95 CHF

Megabass Vibration-X Vatalion

The VIBRATION-X VATALION dramatically changes the strategy ...

23,95 CHF

NEW Silentkiller 115

Deps new Silentkiller 115, Deps Hard Baits, Swimbaits

39,95 CHF

OSP Blade Jig

The OSP Blade Jig is an innovative chatterbait. The plastic ...

17,50 CHF

OSP Buzz Zero Two Beat

O.S.P released O.S.P BUZZ ZEROONE in 2003 focusing on ...

19,95 CHF
19,95 CHF

OSP High Pitcher

High Pitcher was developed as a type of small spinner bait ...

16,95 CHF
13,55 CHF
Percentage: -20%

OSP High Pitcher MAX

L'OSP High Pitcher MAX est le grand frère du High Pitcher.

17,90 CHF
17,90 CHF

OSP Typhoon Long Cast

Another type of OSP Typhoon, where long cast & deep capture ...

25,00 CHF
25,00 CHF

Deps Silent Killer 175

New Silent Killer 175 Type D, DEPS Swimbait

69,95 CHF

New Slide Swimmer 115

Deps New Slide Swimmer 115

46,05 CHF
46,05 CHF

Lura Lures Twix Shad

Lura Lures Twix Shad 8 inch, 20cm

11,95 CHF
7,15 CHF
Percentage: -40%

Vatalion 190 SS

VATALION 190 SS, Slow Sinking, 5oz, 142g

79,95 CHF
63,95 CHF
Percentage: -20%

Zielfisch: Hecht

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