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Evergreen Light CavalryEvergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry
Evergreen Light Cavalry

Evergreen Light Cavalry

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Hersteller: EVERGREEN
599,95 CHF
Evergreen Light Cavalry Spinning Models
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
EVERGREEN LIGHT CAVALRY CLCS-611LEvergreen Light Cavalry CLCS-611L 1
599,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
621,30 CHF
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Evergreen Light Cavalry CLCS-75MEvergreen Light Cavalry CLCS-75M 0
631,35 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Evergreen Light Cavalry

Modell Länge Teile Gewicht Wurfgewicht Schnur
CLCS-611L 6’11", 211cm   2 96g 1/32 - 1/4oz 3 - 10lb
CLCS-70ML 7’, 213cm   2 102g 1/16 - 3/8oz 4 - 12lb
CLCS-75M 7’5'', 226cm   2 115g 3/16 - 3/4oz 6 - 15lb


Yet another amazing product Evergreen, the Light Cavarly CLCS, are 2 fabulous spinning rods, stupendous from the point of view of aesthetics saw their looks all black, very stylish and captivating but especially fantastic for feel and power.

To be remembered that there are also four models casting, the Light Cavalry CLCC equally excellent and beautiful in the their typology.

These fabulous instruments appear phenomenal for many reasons, the first and we also believe the most important, for the fact that they can be employed in different applications of fishing and in many field situations, all incorporated in fabulous rods, all two-piece easy to carry, indeed Evergreen has strongly wanted to create a series of rods of this type to satisfy the fisherman on a vast scale, without doing regret in any way a one-piece rod.

Great feature of these rods is the Blanks that is designed with the same principle of a single-piece, moreover the amount of resin of carbon used has been diversified in the part dedicated to the tip for ensure greater flexibility in this zone and consequently increase its operationality in the sensation of movement of the bait and in the phase even more important of capture.

In designing has been well cared also the zone of the calcium, by strengthening this area with a crossing of carbon 40T to 4 layers, thus ensuring greater rigidity.

As regards the guidance system Evergreen has thought to an excellent Fuji series K Haifutto of reduced dimensions bringing greater agility and operability, the guide dedicated to the tip instead adopts a guide LG which excludes potential entanglement and improves the sliding of the wire.

For the grafting of the two pieces was adopted a joint of high quality "Spigot Joint", this system allows optimal transmissibility of high power and high sensitivity, with a tolerance of grafting extremely low to annihilate possible slack, moreover is sufficient see the attached image for note how the joint penetrating into rod.

As regards the reel seat is employed in the whole series an excellent Fuji VSS Dauntless lightweight glossy black.

Finally, the handgrip is separate in EVA, to provide enhanced operability, weight reduction and improved overall balance, the EVA was preferred because it guarantees excellent grip and durability over time, also note that the whole series is equipped with the coating Bonanza which protects the rod from elements, scratches, dirt and solar rays.

Really fantastic instruments typical of a brand like Evergreen that certainly will give you enormous satisfaction !


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