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Tiny Blitz DR, P47 Numeri ShadTiny Blitz DR - P47 Numeri Shad

Tiny Blitz DR, P47 Numeri Shad

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: OSP
19,95 CHF
OSP Tiny Blitz DR, P47 Numeri Shad
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Tiny Blitz DR PB 21 Sexy ShadTiny Blitz DR, PB 21 Sexy Shad 5
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Tiny Blitz DR, OL21 Blueback Herring Tiny Blitz DR, OL21 Blueback Herring 0
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Tiny Blitz DR, RP91 Real Gold WakasagiTiny Blitz DR, RP91 Real Gold Wakasagi 5+
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

O.S.P Tiny Blitz DR

  • Color:     P47 Numeri Shad
Length 45.0mm
Weight 6.7g
Type Floating
Hook Size Front #8 Rear #8
  • .

A small crankbait for real fight “TINY BLITZ DR” is just born. This makes you fish more strategically under tough conditions. Fishing condition becomes tough on a week end major field or when water temperature changes suddenly. In such condition, soft bait and jig and shad are effective. Soft bait and jig are effective when you have confident spot but it takes time to find spot.

And shad that has tight action is effective in clear water but it is not easy to fish cover tightly like tetrapod where bass gather in cold water.
Therefore, O.S.P sought for casting distance and accuracy to cope with tough condition and developed small crankbait “TINY BLITZ DR” which can fish effectively and aggressively.


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