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O.S.P Dolive Stick 4.5'', TW-107

Dolive Stick TW107, 4.5 inch

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: OSP
11,95 CHF
O.S.P Dolive Stick 4.5'', TW-107
OSP Dolive Stick
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Dolive Stick TW107, 3.5 inch
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Dolive Stick TW107, 3.5 inch
11,95 CHF
Dolive Stick TW107, 4.5 inch
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Dolive Stick TW107, 4.5 inch
11,95 CHF
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O.S.P Dolive Stick

  • Color:       TW-107 GREEN PUMPKIN CHART
  • Grösse:    4.5"

Inhalt:      7 Stück

Drastic Live action

Dolive Stick is a high specific gravity stick worm that has two faces. One is straight worm seeking for ultimate performance as fallbait, the other is stick worm for twitching. Moreover, super lively action of another dimension was achieved in the respective uses. Weightless rigged DoLive Stick makes body rolling action and swings its tail when it falls. When this worm falls, this moves to the bottom as if it swims by itself like a real bait fish and it is totally different from normal shimmy action.
By twitching, it darts right and left, up and down irregularly. Its original tail trembles every time it turns and that movement is almost like a tail kick when bait fish starts to swim.
The unique action of DoLive Stick drives fish mad!

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