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Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MSTEvergreen Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MST
Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MST
Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MST

Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MST

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: EVERGREEN
639,95 CHF
Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MST
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MLHeracles FACT, HFAC-66ML 2
0,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Heracles FACT, HFAC-65MHeracles FACT, HFAC-65M 2
0,00 CHF
0,00 CHF
Heracles FACT, HFAC-66MSTHeracles FACT, HFAC-66MST 1
639,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Heracles FACT, HFAC-67MHSTHeracles FACT, HFAC-67MHST 2
649,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

HERACLES FACT - Tactics Factory Tuned Model 


produced by KEN FUKUSHIMA 

Model Length Power Pcs Weight Lure Line
HFAC-66MST 5'11" - 198cm Medium   1 109g 1/8 - 5/8oz 6 - 14lb
  • .

The technology used, HFAC-66MST, the care in every aspect, the materials of the highest level, as well as the components, no doubt bring this product at the top of any similar product in the current market. The sensitivity that demonstrates in the touch, even the lightest, is disarming, all the stem transmits to the palm of our hand the more imperceptible vibration, but the lion's share be turning from the tip, which transmits for fall even the "touched" most read more to the whole blank, in short, a rod for finesse in the round.

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