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17:00 - 21:00
Blitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost MinnowBlitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost Minnow

Blitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost Minnow

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Hersteller: OSP
21,95 CHF
OSP Blitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost Minnow
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Blitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost MinnowBlitz MAX DR - G01 Ghost Minnow 5+
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF


Color:    G01 Ghost Minnow

Length:  61mm

Weight:  18g

Type:     Floating

Hook:    #4

In the recent situation that bass have grown up bigger in every field, so-called "big bass hunter" targeting different fish from normal anglers do choose deep crankbait hoping to catch big bass. Deep crankbait shows its power in weed area of 3-6meter range, rock or trees area in reservoir, natural lake, and rock area or tetrapod near deep area in river.

 - Amazing distance! The weight movement type is exceeded by the fixed center of gravity
 - Real fishing performance that overwhelming, advantageous body invents
 - Hypersensitive crankbait that perceive the bottom
 - Effective snagless ability  


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